An AI generated image of a robot reading a newspaperA photo of a woman working in the middle of the dayAI generated image of a robot scanning something

Chatbot Stories

Rise of the robots, AI, and the human partnership

What Liziana Carter and her team are building is potentially the future of the digital sales space.

They are designing and building chatbots that simplify the online shopping process through interaction with e-commerce users via Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. The chatbots are created and programmed with the client’s specific needs in mind, and are designed to enhance their sales and marketing efforts by collecting real-time data on what users are doing.

This is removing the need for a human sales team and using AI as a sales generator.

A futuristing looking robot walking a dog

How to Keep Up With Social Media as It Shapes E-Commerce

GROW AI has made a name for themselves focusing on creating AI-powered chatbots specifically designed to help other businesses within the e-commerce industry automate social channels.

From automating Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and Whatsapp direct messages, to providing unique insights on customer bases, they've been changing how businesses approach e-commerce.

How E-commerce Businesses Adopt a Dialogue-Driven Approach To Selling Their Products by Building DM Automated Systems on Instagram DM and Facebook Messenger

In this episode, we are joined by Liziana Carter, Founder of GROW AI. GROW AI is an Australian-based conversational AI agency that builds DM automated systems on Instagram DM and Facebook Messenger.

They work with e-commerce brands that understand their role is not just to sell but also to help their buyers buy while building exceptional audience-to-brand relationships. With the power of real-time conversations and customer-centric data, clients can integrate DM funnels as a part of their CX and revenue strategy, creating meaningful interactions and authentic experiences for their buyers at every stage of their customer journey.

Tune in to learn more!

conversational ai examples

How DTC Brands Can Leverage Technology On Social Channels Without Losing The Human Touch

Provide personalized recommendations to customers based on their preferences and purchase history. This can be done through data analysis on customers' browsing and buying behavior, as well as on their demographics and other factors.

By making relevant recommendations to customers, brands can increase the likelihood that a customer will make a purchase. I’ve seen some emerging and established companies, such as GROW AI, Tidio and Intercom, that aim to help with this through the use of AI-powered chatbots.

Wisdom From The Women Leading The AI Industry, With Liziana Carter of GROW AI

Aspart of our series about the women leading the Artificial Intelligence industry, I had the pleasure of interviewing Liziana Carter.Liziana Carter is the founder and CEO of a chatbot agency that uses conversational artificial intelligence (AI) to instantly connect consumers to eCommerce businesses via Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM Automation and WhatsApp automation.

what is conversational marketing
best chatbots 2021

GROW AI Taps into a New Marketing Channel Closed to the Public with its Top eCommerce Clients

Using AI and machine learning technology, GROW AI is flipping the consumer's journey on its head, by delivering the 1-on-1 personalised experience that eCommerce visitors now expect, to help them find their ideal product, buy it, buy it again, and then tell others about it.

Five years ago, the ability to create chatbots on Messenger was opened to the public. At that time, industry leading businesses jumped at the opportunity and started producing millions of dollars in new revenue with the new technology, using chatbot marketing to build a new channel to reach their customers.Then, a few years later, plans for interoperability between Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp were released. Messenger chatbot viability had been tested and was now expanding to other platforms, like Instagram DM.

3 Ways to Stand Out in the Ecommerce Space with Conversational AI

It's no secret that delivering exceptional customer experience is a critical component to any eCommerce business today.

And with the ever-increasing competition in the ecommerce space, it's not easy to stand out. Enter conversational A.I., a new technology that has been making waves with its abilities to interact and engage with users like never before. But how can you use this technology effectively?

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The new wave of e-commerce has arrived

For all the shifting and repositioning of commerce from the physical world to the digital, there have also been churning waters within the ocean of e-commerce.

As shopping online becomes more and more consumer-centric, brands have realized that one size no longer fits all, and that’s caused the meteoric rise of three new forms of social e-commerce — influencer marketing, live shopping and conversational commerce.

Whether buyers and brands are ready or not, a new wave of e-commerce is here, and everyone had better put on their ponchos.

Carter’s company GROW AI helps brands use conversational AI, known colloquially as chatbots, to meet shoppers on the platform of their preference — whether that be social media, an online store or a marketplace — and engage them in conversation around things that matter to them.

Chatbots Will Bring AI Smarts to Your Organization

Adding AI to the traditional Facebook Messenger chatbot, for example, allows for any user input in a specific context to be “understood” by the chatbot, which keeps the conversation going. Applying AI to the chatbot process adds that extra missing touch that allows users to interact in a natural conversation without getting stuck.

We’re a few months away from adding AI to Instagram DM Automation campaigns as well, which currently allows us to deliver better and faster shopping experiences by designing automated conversational experiences through Instagram DMs.

Instagram DM Automation has only been open to the general public since August 2021, and it will be one of the hottest trends in automation and AI in 2022.

sales chat bot
customer service chat bot

Building a Framework of Ethics and Trust in Conversational AI

Liziana Carter, CEO, and founder of GROW AI, created an AI chatbot that works with marketing, sales, and operations. She said that although it wasn’t very long ago that the idea of being able to talk to machines was science-fiction, today it’s changing how we operate our daily lives and businesses.